
Monday, August 15, 2011

It Takes A Village

All I hear is the hum of the ceiling fan. The rhythmic sounds of the washer in the distance. The drops of rain dripping on the porch. Toys are neatly put away. Dogs are sleeping. Sleeping on a rainy Monday. Quiet. So, so quiet. Gadisa started at his day care today. He will go 2 days a week starting out for now. It's what he needs right now. Socialization, other kids to interact with. However, this mama already misses him. I wonder how he's coping and I wonder what he thought when he realized we had left. Oh, how I am drawn so much to this little guy. This is hard and I must be really wussy because it's ONLY two days a week. What I keep thinking is that it's an end of an era. That precious, short lived time when he was home with just me all the time. That time goes by so quickly. He is exploring and seeing new things. Good for him though. It also gives me the opportunity to do the same. It takes a village to raise a child is always my philosophy. I think all these sleepy pets are appreciating the day and the calmness of not being flopped on by a rowdy toddler. I am trying to do the same. Trying... as I feel a bit lost today without him.

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